
Sweet Wednesday.

So today went well. It's my day off so that's a great start. Then we
got our tickets to ben folds with the DSO on sept 30. I also found out
the get up kids are back together and on tour so I'm free to relive
part of my younger years. To top it off I got an internship with a
pretty hip producer. He just finished forever the sickest kids second
record and he's got several projects from major labels. It'll be a
great experience for me. He also happened to record my band a few
years back so I'm comfortable with him. Oh. And we stood in line for
45 minutes for a sno cone from the sno cone lady. All in all an
amazing midweek. Did I mention I got a new microphone last week?


Really Jonas?

So I work in a place that hears all the nightmare stories of
televisions falling on children and 2 year olds climbing in to dryers
so needless to say I wasn't that excited to see jonas in his new
rocket ship.


Man I suck at this.

This whole blog thing isn't meant for people with busy lives. Although
I would imagine reading a blog about someone who doesn't do anything
would not be interesting, or maybe it would be neat to see how they
pass the time and also how they've managed to secure a computer with
an ISP to type the blog with out working for the paycheck.

It's amusing to me that I can write this from the toilet. This is an
efficient use of my time since I can't do much else. I'll have a copy
of my newest recording endeavour up in a few days. I'll let you all
know. Happy moms day from the john. Peace.


Easter was cool

Jonas ate a dye pellet and turned orange. I then had to clean him and thus I was orange until this morning. We ate a lot and somehow, even with the whole day off I was exhausted when I went to work on Monday.


It's a boy!

Now that we know the sex we can pick a name to fight for.

I crashed.

Really? In four languages no less.


No Chick-fil-a for a month.

So a few days ago I decided to quit eating fast food and only eat what
I had in the house. I've found that, while I may not eat healthier I
do spend less cash. It's been coined a "fast food fast" by my wife and
I. Wish me luck, I miss you #6 at jack in the box and #1 at chick fil
a. I'll see you again in 26 days.


The fearless

My son has taken to trying anything pretty quickly. At least once
anyway. He's smart so if we trick him once he's no fool.


Potty training.

Awesome. I wish I could move my toilet to the living room.



I feel like I get to explain this every day at Best Buy.



Someday soon I'll put a nice new fender tele next to this one.
Coincidentally, my son will also be getting a sibling, probably sooner
than my guitar.