
good better best

Good seems to be working two jobs that take up 80 or so hours of my time a week while going to school. Better seems to be laying off my part time job and spending more time with my family and music. Best remains to be seen but I think it's working one full time job while going to school full time for the things I'm interested in. I always hear people complaining about how they hate midi in my studio experience. I'm taking a midi course so I'll let you know in a few months what my opinion is.

Also, I think I will be able to post some new music soon. I know it's been a while but it'll be worth it.

1 comment:

Neener said...

I'd like to thank Best Buy for giving me that sell tactic known as good, better, best. Glad to see you putting it into use. And can't wait to hear some new stuff.