

Narrow Stairs06/03/08 NEW ALBUM OUT TODAY! EPIC WIN.
I love Tuesdays. New releases come out like the new =w= record, in red. I also realized I have had the Deathcab record for a few weeks and have yet to give it more than a 10 second preview. I have to say it's a lot less the postal service direction as the last two discs but I like it. He took a lot of the effects off his vocals. Still have some songs with the heavy reverb but for the most part it's a lot more natural with less, if any, synthetics. Great to see them back to their roots. Speaking of roots that brings me to the next album.

This album confuses iTunes because it is the third time they've released a record titled "Weezer". The weezer record is great. Would you expect anything less? To be honest I thought I would hate it.. I stopped listening to the =w= after Pinkerton due to creative differences. I know this is a shock to those of you who know I named my son Jonas after the song off the Blue record. This album shows a little growth (as in a lot) since Rivers is all married, graduated from harvard and living the good life. I still miss Matt Sharp now of The Rentals (also a great group.) One thing I noticed that is a little different for Rivers is he let someone else sing a song on the record. He said once and I quote "I write the songs and then get together and tell them what to play and that's pretty much how we write songs." This statement can't be completely true; the last record Matt was on is Pinkerton. After that there is a significant change in songwriting style with the band. Anyway, I digress.. good record. Get it.. BUY it. I don't buy a lot of music but you're better off enjoying the =w= and knowing you're giving your money to a high school drop out who followed his dreams to L.A. and then graduated from Harvard 10 years later.

1 comment:

Neener said...

It took a second listen to the Red album but I am digging it (which is more than I can say about their previous albums after Blue). I've probably listened to "Everybody Get Dangerous" the most in my car, waving my hands in the air like I'm going to bust a cap on someone but with a smile.

It took a few listens to the DCFC album but it's now part of my night drive. Definitely not as radio friendly / formulated as Plans so I don't foresee the general population embracing it as much. Are you going to see them on the 17th? A friend of mine was nice and bought me a ticket.