
Tape Op changed my life

So for those of you who know me, you may find it odd to hear i work at a bank.. that I sit in a cubicle and help people purchase homes and relocate with their companies. You might also find it strange to know that I haven't played my guitar yet this week and it is Saturday.. I haven't played with my band in a month either.. and if this seems all strange to you.. imagine how it feels to me. 

Earlier this month I started a new chapter of soul searching I would call it. I started asking questions about where I should be and now that i've done so much, where do i go from here? The answers have come in strange ways.. but they have come. 

The day after I didn't eat I received a quarterly publication that I had signed up for last year but never received. It's free so it's only sent out to random subscribers each quarter unless you pay for the subscription. I received mine.. and in it are the stories of engineers and producers from the music industry that were expressing their roots and what made them successful. As I took this magazine with me to work, to the bathroom, in the car, I still can't stop reading these articles. It's everything I've ever wanted to do. Record and produce.. If this wasn't enough a letter from my sister came in the mail previous to this. I had expressed to her some of my concerns about where i wanted to be in my life and who I was right now. Her opinion was I was trying to do what I wanted all the time and not listening to the higher power. I took this to mean I was supposed to be giving up my music.. to do "family life" -- turns out maybe the powers that be would have me pursue my dreams and talents and make something of it and quit using my family as an excuse not to do it. So I will.. Music Business and music technology.. 

its been good since i made up my mind and that tells me.. it's all what it's supposed to be.

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